is the number one tool available to Law Enforcement to combat
the number one Transnational Organized Crime group (TOC) in existence today, the English Crown's Banking Mafia
according to the Defense Minister of Canada
and the
European Union.
An extensive history of this TOC can be seen on our
History webpage.
The history books in school and the fake news media never ever mentioned the fact that narcotics trafficking
has been a steady source of income for the English Crown
for over 250 years. England even attacked China during the
Opium Wars
with China, to force the Emperors to allow England to sell narcotics to China.
Around 1950 England hid all of its International Narcotics Trafficking by pushing the
200 year old HSBC Opium Drug Dealing and Drug Profit Banking
to Offshore Secret Trusts held in Gibraltar,
the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, B.V.I. and English Channel Islands.
The UK, with EU and USA help, then outlawed Swiss Offshore Banking and their Secret Swiss Bank Account Number System,
to force all offshore banking onto British Island Offshore Banks like HSBC,
to further maximize Rothschild and the Crown's profits!
and the Crown's puppets in the
are helping MI6 sell narcotics worldwide, using offshore English
island Secret Trusts as seen in the video above,
HSBC - The Bank of Pirates Video,
Opium Wars Video,
Spiders Web Video
Rothschild Child Sacrifice Video,
2001-9-11 Bank Job & Hitler Was MI6 Video,
and the
Banking With Hitler Video.
MI6 coordinates the Drug Cartels of the world using many countries' secret services in coordination with each of those countries' street level Mafia and police. Therefore a worldwide seamless and efficient illegal narcotics distribution system works both quietly and very profitably for the Crown and its MI6 directed secret services, who then also use illegal drug profits to fund black operations for these spy agencies, to confuse the public about the true source of narcotics trafficking.
Extremely large amounts of the work that MI6, the CIA and Mossad perform involves covert infiltration of the mass media, especially Internet Video and TV News, Politics and Police Departments worldwide, so that they can control the news and politics and street crime, to hide from the public that they are running global illegal drug markets. This is why the English Banking Mafia's offshore Drug Money Laundering Banking system is running without a word spoken about it on the TV News at 18:00, that each of the world's citizens watches. This is also why narcotics never seem to be taken off the streets by all of the fancy police technology and surveillance systems. And if you complain about this on Live TV, the Control Room Director quickly flips an electric control board slider switch to fade to a commercial break, as these Directors in many TV production houses are often in the secret services of that country or MI6, CIA or Mossad secret agents.
There are dozens and dozens of video on the main menu of this website using government archives to document how most worldwide corruption can be traced to the small island of England and the Crown's Economic Hit-Men for the last 200 years, the Rothschild Banking Cartel. The English Crown and the House Rothschild banking cartel have sabotaged world progress by KILLING ALL INVENTORS OF NEW ENERGY SOURCES SEEN IN THIS VIDEO. New energy that replaces Big Oil would free the poor from spending most of their money on energy and stop all Air and Water Pollution, but the Banking Cartel and English Crown invested in Shell Oil in 1860 and British Petroleum, and receive a major portion of the $600 billion annual Oil Industry profits. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) graduate Bruce De Palma was killed for inventing the N-Machine, which did produce more electric energy than it took to turn its rotor. De Palma said before he was killed that he was threatened with guns not to sell his generator in California, and De Palma said that the Big Oil Companies control all governments worldwide. The Rothschild Banking Mafia's control of MI6, the CIA and the Mossad is exactly how all governments are controlled by the Big Oil Companies of the British Monarchy and the Rothschild Banking Transnational Organized Crime group. The Rothschild Banking Cartel, along with the City of London's Monarchy, already have total financial control of all of the worlds major industrial companies due to their secret ownership of The Vanguard Group corporation.
Equally damaging to the public is the fact that the Crown allows her "Offshore Islands" to let all of the Millionaire and Billionaire Tax Evaders of the world, along with the Mafia, register Secret Trusts and Bank Accounts. English Offshore Banking actually hides taxable income from the tax collector of every country in the world, on a principal amount of around $50 TRILLION DOLLARS as seen at Video-Time 15:50 in the video here: THE SPIDER'S WEB: ENGLAND'S SECOND EMPIRE. (DEUTSCH) This $50 TRILLION DOLLARS of gold and money and other assets also includes money laundered by Drug Dealers as seen in the Panama Papers video here (DEUTSCH) so that the City of London, England is actually the bankers of all the world's Mafia bosses.
England has actually ruled the world for the last 800 years legally using the Crown Temple in the "CITY OF LONDON". English Crown Agents who have been stationed inside North America since the 1700's, have been the real people who run America, and have set up SERCO (Service Company) and the S.E.S. The research and background information on S.E.S. can be viewed HERE. England has been stealing money or resources from every country in the world for 300 years. HERE is a video that helps see how big England's real damage has been. is an extremely large multinational corporation that basically runs the world. Why on earth have you never heard of Probably because it consists of 85% ex-British government and ex-British military employees, and these English employees of Serco run much of the infrastructure of many of the countries around the world. It would be really, really embarrassing to England if that got out as then it would look like they still run the world, now wouldn't it? is this "invisible" world dominating English company and just have a look at THIS VIDEO: "Serco - the biggest company you have never heard of." View these video below and more video in the Video menu, that explain that the main source of worldwide corruption for the last 200 years has been the English Crown and its Economic Hit-Men, the Rothschild Bankers.
England has run the world for 8 centuries with her vicious and blood thirsty cabal of secret agent jackals, who use assassination, extortion, black mail and cash bribes to strategically control those persons worldwide who wield the most power. The crime is done strictly for the profit of "The City" and the Crown Templar. England uses the Secret Intelligence Service, previously known as "Military Intelligence Section 6" (MI6), to rule the world with military, psychological, financial and legal warfare strategies and tactics. This is done mainly by "Sheep Dipping" where an ordinary looking British Secret Agent works undercover as an employee of or British Airways and many other multi-national companies worldwide, not based in England. However the cheapest, easiest and most effective way to control a civilization is to use Financial Warfare and keep everyone poor by forced addiction to high priced gasoline for their cars and high priced electricity and natural gas for their homes.
Most people do not realize that even if people have no money, they are not poor if they have access to free energy for their farms, houses and cars. So in order to keep everyone hooked on paying all of their income to the Oil Industry, the Crown's Rothschild Banker's Transnational Organized Crime Mob Vanguard Group has bought up all of the stocks in all of the oil companies (and all other Industry) and murdered all of the inventors of Cheap Alternative Energy systems. Energy costs make up about 90% of the cost of food as it is used in everything from the fertilizers, water pumps, diesel farm tractors, diesel delivery trucks and electricity in the freezers and coolers in stores and homes. Free Energy would lower the price of food by 90% for both food production and food storage! See our Plasma Battery web page on how the English Crown and its royal Rothschild Bankers have performed serial killings of Plasma Battery and "free energy" Water-To-Hydrogen inventors. Also on this page see that FINALLY FREE ENERGY WITH NO POLLUTION HAS BEEN PROVEN TO EXIST BY OUR CEO: MOTIONLESS ELECTRIC GENERATOR (MEG).
And finally, if all of the killing and bank robbing and energy scamming that we showed that the English had accomplished above were not enough to make you mad, then now look at the severe torture and slow death that has been perpetrated by the Queen's Rothschild Banking Mafia in the Medical Industry, with fake Cancer Cures like Chemotherapy. The CEO of one Big Drug Company stated on prime time news that 96% of Chemotherapy Cancer Patients die from the Chemotherapy Drugs and NOT FROM THE CANCER! Well see the proof of this below in the three video by doctors and scientists giving you the full and unadulterated facts and information. Because what these three video below show is that all you have to do to cure Cancer is to stop eating junk food and too much meat, sugar, coffee and alcohol, etc. to get your blood pH above 7.3 otherwise the doctor gets a $2100 dollar commission for each bag of chemotherapy juice he shoots into your arm!
has displayed the crimes listed here, in an effort to educate law enforcement personnel
on how to help us to put an end to this crime and corruption.
Additionally, has explained in detail with video evidence these incredible crimes
of mass murder to law enforcement personnel to allow law enforcement personnel
to verify that
is on law enforcement personnel's side 100%.
This proves that
is not some corporate subsidiary of the NSA "Spy Clubs"
at Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, eBay and all "the others."
To realize any real change in this corrupt environment,
has developed
a tool for encrypted communication between law enforcement personnel and
encryption tool is not controlled by any government or corporate power whatsoever,
and has been meticulously designed to be completely anonymous to allow law enforcement personnel
to break the "Code of Silence" and anonymously report corruption.
currently reports all incidents of corruption that have been relayed to
via our encrypted systems to one or more of the following institutions:
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A,
the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by
reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means
specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism,
comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies
for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include-
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use
if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.
(Pub. L. 94-553, title I, §101, Oct. 19, 1976, 90 Stat. 2546;
Pub. L. 101-650, title VI, §607, Dec. 1, 1990, 104 Stat. 5132; Pub. L. 102-492, Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 3145.)